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VoiceGain ASR is ideal for transcribing and analyzing large volumes of audio, e.g. of Customer Support calls. The reason for this is right balance of price an accuracy.


The our Standard ASR model accuracy is about 92-95% at about 1/3 of the price of major Cloud ASR providers.


With little effort the ASR model can be customized to bring accuracy to 97% or higher, with the price still only about 1/2 for comparable accuracy elsewhere.




We believe that VoiceGain platform opens possibilities to build novel transcription products on top of it and not necessarily only due to the cost advantage.


Our platform API makes is very easy and convenient  to support a variety of real-time (3 to 4 second delay) transcription integrations.


Ability to build custom models makes it suitable for uses cases in non-standard domains. You can achieve accuracy not possible with other ASR platforms.




Real-TIme monitoring of phone calls for e.g. standards compliance is another domain where VoiceGain ASR excels.


The API has great support for audio streaming and provides multiple options for outputting detailed transcription results in real-time.


Acoustic and Language Models can be customized to domain to achieve high accuracy.


And finally, on-prem option allows our customers to have total control over their data and data security



There are many cases where automated transcription would provide an added value to a product, however, the implementation and ongoing cost of existing ASR platforms stands in the way.


Our Economy Cloud tier offers minimal implementation cost and great pricing. In fact it is, in all aspects, equivalent to our Premium Cloud tier, just with slightly lower SLAs.


Large volume customers wanting lowest prices possible can negotiate great deals for OnPrem licensing of our ASR.







VoiceGain OnPrem ASR is a drop-in replacement for most of the ASRs commonly used in IVR systems. It supports the MRCP and GRXML standards.


The benefits over other ASRs are: (a) high accuracy, (b) customizability of the acoustic model, (c) field proven tuning and regression tools.


While most IVR ASR engines change per licensed port, irrespective of usage, VoiceGain pricing is per recognizer time. This allows for huge cost reduction if your IVR exhibits peaky call volumes.





VoiceGain platfom supports also modern IVR development style using webhooks and, platforms like node.js instead of VXML. This IVR style is supported both in Cloud and OnPrem.


VoiceGain IVR is a great fit for integrations with products suites for verticals, e.g. medical appointments or billing. It is an ideal platform to add IVR functionality to such products.


Big advantage of our IVR is that it is priced per ASR time and not per port, which makes it great for seasonal (e.g. Valentine Day flower sales) or emergency applications (insurance companies).





VoiceGain is a unique ASR solution that was developed from day 1 as a both Cloud and OnPrem platform. We knew that for some customers, knowing that the data does not ever leave their own site is preferred to assurances of security of the data in the cloud.


OnPrem solution is deployed on customer hardware behind customer firewall.


We provide detailed information regarding all the information that is exchanged between OnPrem​ and the Cloud. This data can be inspected real time by customers' DPI systems.


All of this makes VoiceGain an ideal ASR for use cases where security and confidentiality are critical, for example applications in finance, law, medical fields, etc..



Many AI systems achieve low price point by utilizing customer data for training or other purposes.


VoiceGain Cloud treats all customer data as transient and does not utilize it for VoiceGain purposes.


VoiceGain OnPrem allows customer to store all data, including DNN models, in their own document and object storage systems.


This makes it attractive for customers to invest in their own custom DNN models, knowing that the effort they put into building such will not be shared with others, and thus will directly lead to their competitive advantage.

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